Absolute Beginners is having the 50 dollar bill event this Friday. I can't show you what will be on sale but I can give you a preview sketch... Make sure to be there from 7-11 to see the real thing.
I am selling in Absolute Beginners now 616 East 9th, a store that I played some part in starting. It's been a fun venture so far and there are a lot of amazing designers involved in this projects so I would advise everyone to stop by and watch this shop evolve. This is a picture of the brand new storefront taken the day after Alex, Isabella and Michael spent all night building it.
My attempt at a drapey T- with hood. Made from super light weight dingy gray sky rayon cotton. Shoulder buttons hold up sleeves and convert shirt into tank. Pocket sheared for drapey look. Hood is amply cut.
This pullover "Biker" jacket done in waffle fabric has back vents and contrasting elbow patches and lots of top stitching details. It's now at both Love Brigade and the Dressing Room.
Went to the Crane Street shop today and watched Miguel cut the fabric for the cowl top and the the hoodie dickey. Since they use the same fabric they are being laid out together. Both should be ready by the end of the week.
"The mind body problem" is a laboratory for a new menswear clothing line. The blog includes new designs, updates, business, branding ideas, inspirationations, art etc.